tensorkube deploy
tensorkube deploy
Deploy your containerized application on Tensorkube. This command requires a dockerfile to be present in the current directory.
--gpus INTEGER
[default: 0]: Number of GPUs needed for the service. -
--gpu-type Choice(['V100', 'A10G', 'T4', 'L4', 'L40S', 'A100', 'H100'])
: Type of GPU. -
--cpu FLOAT
[default: 100]: Number of CPU millicores. 1000 = 1 CPU -
--memory FLOAT
[default: 200]: Amount of RAM in megabytes. -
--min-scale INTEGER
[default: 0]: Minimum number of pods to run. -
--max-scale INTEGER
[default: 3]: Maximum number of pods to run. -
--env TEXT
: Environment to deploy the service to. -
--github-actions BOOLEAN
[default: False]: Deploying from Github Actions. -
--secret TEXT
: Secret to use for the deployment. -
[default: False]: Flag to use EFS for the deployment. -
--concurrency INTEGER
[default: 100]: Number of concurrent requests for a single pod to handle at a time. Pods Scale between min and max scale. -
--config-file TEXT
: Path to the config.yaml file. you can use this file instead of cli flags. Keys in config.yaml take precedence than cli flags. -
--domain-name TEXT
: Domain to use for the deployment. -
--port INTEGER
[default: 80]: Port to expose the service on. -
--help BOOL
[default: false]: Show this message and exit.