tensorkube dev

Manage hot reloading development containers for the current user.


tensorkube dev [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --cloud TEXT [default: aws]: Cloud provider to use.

  • --help BOOL [default: false]: Show this message and exit.


  • list: List all the running / stopped devcontainers from the current user.

  • start: Spin up a new devcontainer from the current folder.

  • stop: Stop a running development container.

  • delete: Purge a running / stopped development container.

tensorkube dev list

List all the running / stopped devcontainers from the current user.


tensorkube dev list


  • --help BOOL [default: false]: Show this message and exit.

tensorkube dev start

Spin up a new devcontainer from the current folder.

The folder should contain a Dockerfile.


tensorkube dev start [OPTIONS]


  • --gpu-type Choice(['V100', 'A10G', 'T4', 'L4', 'A100', 'L40S', 'H100', 'None']): Type of GPU.

  • --port INTEGER [default: 8080]: Port to run the devcontainer on.

  • --help BOOL [default: false]: Show this message and exit.

tensorkube dev stop

Stop a running development container.

This is only available when the underlying cloud supports stopped instances. An advantage of stopping against deleting a devcontainer is that the SSD snapshot is cached and hence, the devcontainer can be started faster.

However this incurs cost for the SSD snapshot.


tensorkube dev stop


  • --help BOOL [default: false]: Show this message and exit.

tensorkube dev delete

Purge a running / stopped development container.

This command deletes all the associated resources of the development container including the attached block storage.


tensorkube dev delete


  • --help BOOL [default: false]: Show this message and exit.