tensorkube job

Manage, deploy and queue jobs on Tensorfuse.


tensorkube job COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --help BOOL [default: false]: Show this message and exit.


  • deploy: Deploy and orchestrate a job on Tenosrfuse.

  • delete: Delete a job from Tensorfuse.

  • queue: Queue an instance of a deployed job on Tensorfuse.

  • get: Get the status of a job instance.

  • list: List all jobs or a specific job on Tensorfuse.

  • logs: Stream the logs for a specific job instance.

tensorkube job deploy

Deploy and orchestrate a job on Tenosrfuse.

This command orchestrates the infrastructure needed for jobs such as queues, buckets and key-value stores. It also builds the container image for the job and pushes it to the container registry.


tensorkube job deploy [OPTIONS]


  • --name TEXT: Name of the job to deploy.

  • --gpus INTEGER [default: 0]: Number of GPUs needed for an instance of the job.

  • --gpu-type Choice(['V100', 'A10G', 'T4', 'L4', 'L40S', 'A100', 'H100']): Type of GPU.

  • --cpu FLOAT [default: 100]: Number of CPU millicores. 1000 = 1 CPU

  • --memory FLOAT [default: 200]: Amount of RAM in megabytes.

  • --secret TEXT: Secrets that are required by the job.

  • --max-scale INTEGER [default: 3]: Maximum number of jobs to run concurrently.

  • --update BOOLEAN [default: False]: Update the job if it already exists.

  • --efs BOOLEAN [default: False]: Flag to use EFS for the deployment.

  • --help BOOL [default: false]: Show this message and exit.

tensorkube job delete

Delete a job from Tensorfuse.

This command also de-provisions a job’s infrastructure such as queues, buckets and key-value stores.


tensorkube job delete [OPTIONS]


  • --job-name TEXT: Name of the job to delete.

  • --help BOOL [default: false]: Show this message and exit.

tensorkube job queue

Queue an instance of a deployed job on Tensorfuse.

The payload is a JSON string that is passed to the job instance.


tensorkube job queue [OPTIONS]


  • --job-name TEXT: Name of the job to delete.

  • --job-id TEXT: Unique id for the job instance.

  • --payload TEXT: Payload of the job to delete.

  • --help BOOL [default: false]: Show this message and exit.

tensorkube job get

Get the status of a job instance.


tensorkube job get [OPTIONS]


  • --job-name TEXT: Name of the job to deploy.

  • --job-id TEXT: Unique id of the job instance.

  • --help BOOL [default: false]: Show this message and exit.

tensorkube job list

List all jobs or a specific job on Tensorfuse.

  1. If no job name is provided, all jobs are listed.
  2. If a job name is provided, the status of that job is displayed.


tensorkube job list [OPTIONS]


  • --job-name TEXT: Name of the job to deploy.

  • --help BOOL [default: false]: Show this message and exit.

tensorkube job logs

Stream the logs for a specific job instance.

This command works only if the job is currently in progress.


tensorkube job logs [OPTIONS]


  • --job-name TEXT: Name of the job whose logs to display.

  • --help BOOL [default: false]: Show this message and exit.