tensorkube environment

Environments are subdivisions within workspaces that enable you to deploy the same application across different namespaces. Each environment operates independently, with its own set of Secrets. By default, any lookups performed by an application within a specific environment are scoped to entities in that same environment.

A common use case for environments is to separate development and production workflows. This ensures that new features can be developed and tested in a dedicated development environment without risking changes to live production applications. At the same time, it allows seamless deployment of updates to the production environment when ready.

Containers from different environments can run on the same nodes. However, they are isolated from each other. Apps in different environments still eat up your quotas. So, make sure to not keep the instances always running in your staging environments.


tensorkube environment COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --help BOOL [default: false]: Show this message and exit.


  • create: Create a new environment.

  • delete: Delete an environment.

  • list: List all the environments.

tensorkube environment create

Create a new environment.

This also provisions the surrounding infrastructure needed for environments such as service accounts, IAM roles, registries and buckets.


tensorkube environment create [OPTIONS]


  • --env-name TEXT: Name of the environment to create.

  • --help BOOL [default: false]: Show this message and exit.

tensorkube environment delete

Delete an environment.

This command deletes all the deployed jobs and deployments in the environment.

This also de-provisions all the surrounding infrastructure needed for environments such as service accounts, IAM roles, registries and buckets.

Please be careful while deleting an environment. This action is irreversible. All the jobs, queues and deployed applications in the environment will be deleted.


tensorkube environment delete [OPTIONS]


  • --env-name TEXT: Name of the environment to delete.

  • --help BOOL [default: false]: Show this message and exit.

tensorkube environment list

List all the environments.


tensorkube environment list


  • --help BOOL [default: false]: Show this message and exit.